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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Alt Op 22, what's happening

Fall has fell and Spring has sprung. Summer’s here and it’s hotter than, well, take your pick of all kinds of similes. The point is it’s HOT! All I can say is: remember back when all that white stuff was piled up on the ground and we were moaning and groaning about how cold it was? Kinda wish we had some of that stuff again, don’tcha. Well, actually I’d prefer it in a cup with cherry syrup over it as a snow cone. Or with some tea for a nice tea slushy.

This is a busy month as I pointed out last week. Friend and editor of ye olde newsletter Peggy is sneaking ( Ha! Who hasn’t she told? ) off to Houston, or is it Austin, for a bowling league thing on Friday. She’s been hassling me to get this article done and in so she can get the paper bedded down early. That way she can split earlier if there are no dogs to be groomed Friday. That’s great as I’m her trusty bather and that means I won’t have to work Saturday. The result of that is I won’t have to rush about and barely make it to the writers conference that is happening Saturday. Hey, it’s the kind of writing conferences I can afford. It’s free!

There is just one little hiccup in all of this however. Because the gal Peggy bowls with who has a car big enough for everyone who’s going can’t get her AC fixed guess who’s new small SUV has been volunteered to drive them down there! Yep, you got it in one. MINE. Up side of that, sort of, is that Peggy will leave me that little white truck she drives around in. All I can say is that I’m very glad that Linda, her sister, is also going to the writers conference with me so we can go in her, air conditioned, car.

Now if I could just convince the AC in my house to actually work. The darn thing comes on, the fan outside spins, air comes out of the vents but it is most certainly NOT cold air. It isn’t even cool. Hey ho. Guess where a chunk money from next weeks paycheck is gonna go. I have found to my disgust that I actually seem to need the AC now. Well, actually I could survive without it, I think, but I’d sleep a lot better with it going. I might dream of eighty degree weather when I crawl into bed during the winter but even then I don’t think I’d want to sleep in that kind of heat. I actually got fairly used to sleeping at about 65 degrees which is what I kept my house at through the winter. I’ll be bumping it up this summer however. Likely to about 70, though I would prefer 75. So I’m cheep. Yeah, if I had the money I’d set the AC at 68. But I don’t. Oh, well.

There you have it folks, what all’s going on in my little world this weekend. Busy, busy, busy! And I haven’t even mentioned getting ready for the big trip next weekend. Then from around the 24Th of June until the fourth of July the LOTFD will be running the fireworks stand up on 69 just north of town. That should keep me busy for sure, and I don’t even really LIKE fireworks. Other folks do though so, there ya go. Takes all kinds. They save up their pennies for fireworks while I save mine up for books and paper to write my odd little stories on. Oh, yeah, I also save mine up for gasoline to get to the bookstores so I can buy the books.
Maybe I’ll get one of those Kindle© things after I win big from PCH. Then I could just down load books to my hearts content. Except no one has yet told me how the heck I’m supposed to read the things if that little electronic gizmo’s battery runs out of juice. I mean with a regular paper book you don’t need batteries. All you need is light and candles will work for that in a pinch or even a campfire.

Addendum: Thanks to a good friend my homes AC is once more working! Thank you Master Bruce! And by the way, 68 is way too cold! I'm finding even 70 degrees is kind of chilly. Guess I got too used to the heat.

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