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Monday, February 13, 2012

Alt Op # 4 for 2012, Why Sustainability?

Why am I harping on this sustainable stuff?  Because, I care about how the rising price of energy is going to affect all of us who don’t live inside a big city somewhere. I care about how that rising cost is going to affect the big cities populations which could eventually spill out here looking for something to eat!
            The sad part is us country folks need the city folks and they need us. We need the high tech, the concentration of information and knowledge the big cities represent, not to mention the potential customers for our products. While they desperately need us country bumpkins to produce food and various other materials they need to survive, and oh yeah, we are all potential customers for their products of information and knowledge. See how that works. We just need to learn to get along and respect the products each of us can create.
            Later this month, on two separate Saturdays (Feb. 11 and 18), a total five DVD’s are going to be shown over at Community Seeds here in Lone Oak starting at 10am. All of them are about Permaculture and Permaculture is all about valuing variety in every aspect of life. It is about designing a sustainable life centered on a sustainable home in a sustainable community.
            Most of our lives now are not sustainable as they depend heavily on the constant input fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are getting harder and harder to get and are poisoning our air, land and water while we spend ever more fossil fuels to get the stuff out of the ground.
            These five DVD’s will show how we can use what we have now, investing some of that high dollar energy in permanent to semi-permanent structures that can supply generations with a secure and sustainable source of food.
            Yeah. You might not be able to have fresh tomatoes in the depths of winter but if your home is designed right you will be warm, dry, clothed and eating tomatoes from your garden that you canned, dried, or otherwise preserved. I might have to switch to eating pears from eating apples (and I do so like apples!) because I’m not sure I can get a micro climate going that will let me grow Red Delicious apples here in Texas.
            However, as I pointed out last week, I could be wrong. Some scientist playing around in a lab somewhere may come up with a cheap, safe and sustainable form of energy that can fuel our constantly growing greed. Still, between now and then money is going to get tight. I already have to watch how many times I dash into Greenville, down to the Tawakoni Grocery, or Point. I just can’t afford the gas for it. I am also sure I’m not the only one in that bind. These DVD’s can show us all how to modify the way we live so that we save money and grow food as well as live more lightly on the planet. So come on over from 10 to 4 those two days and check it out.

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