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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Busy, busy, busy! Alt Op #23

Finding time to write this article is as alternative as I think I can get this week. Whoosh!
The writing conference I went to this past Saturday was both entertaining and informative. The hot dogs and other goodies at Mike Johnson’s place afterwards wasn’t bad either. Except, of course, for the number of
excess points a certain Weight Watcher consumed (but faithfully recorded). So much for the weekly points.

Oh, well that’s what they are there for, right?

As I write this it is Tuesday afternoon and I have to get with Peggy to go get some dog, cat, goat and horse feed. I think she needs some “cool lube” for her electric dog grooming razors as well. On top of that I need to get to Commerce by five for the weigh in at the Weight Watchers meeting. Tomorrow, Wednesday, I will be heading back to Commerce for the Silver Leo’s Writing Guild meeting. Oh, man! Do I need to do any editing for anyone for that meeting? Don’t think so. Hope not! With any luck we will finish making puppies pretty in time and Peggy can go to. (As it turned out we had so many dogs to groom that even I didn't get to go!)

After that all I have to worry about is making sure all the bill’s that I can pay are paid after my check comes in Wednesday and that I have everything packed that I need to have for that Growing Power conference up in Milwaukee. Of course I also need to make sure there’s enough dog, cat and goat feed on hand for Peggy to feed my critters while I’m away and that I’ve told her how much which ones get. Sigh. Long trips are such a hassle! No wonder this is the first one I’ve taken in ages.

Is there any thing else I need to do? Should I officially inform the bank that I will be WAY out of town and probably making purchases with my bank card? Just so they don’t do me the “favor” of refusing to let me use it because that can’t possibly really be me way up north!

I can’t believe travel, even travel by airplane has gotten so complicated! Back when I was in the Army and flying home from the East coast for holiday leave it was no biggie. Just call up the airline, order a ticket, go to the office there on post to pick it up, pack your bags, get to the air port and go. Now I have to worry about if the bag I’m using for carry on is too big because I can’t afford to pay the ridiculous price I’d have to pay to check it. I also have to remember that I can only have three one ounce bottles of anything in carry on luggage (or so I’m told). Believe it or not I’m worrying that my half used 2.5 ounce container of deodorant will be taken away and tossed because it’s over the limit and just might be a bomb. So why am I taking it? Simple. I refuse to use antiperspirant because it gives me pimples and the only one ounce travel anti- stinkum I can find are also antiperspirants. Oh, boy! There’s an Alt Op article for me. The totally whacked out assumptions that these big companies make about who is going to use what. Assumptions such as “all women want antiperspirants in their deodorants.” Except little ol’ me who is usually forced to use deodorants made for men.

Oh, well. I look at it this way. They perfume the stuff that men use to smell good to women so they will be attracted to the men, right. They do the same with the women’s deodorants and such, perfuming them to smell good to men. Yes, I do like the odor of a lot of the men’s deodorants. So why shouldn’t I use them? I’m not dating anyone so why shouldn’t I please my own nose as I’m not trying to attract a mate. I just don’t want to chase friends away with sweaty old lady stench.

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