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Monday, September 5, 2011

Alt Op #34 The dread "B" word

I have been informed that last weeks opinion was not alternative but widely shared.

Dang. I must be slipping.

Let’s try this then. We will start with the discussion of a word. One that I am sure we all detest especially when we have to deal with the entity(s) it represents.

That word is: bureaucracy. According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2004 edition that word means: “ 1: a body of appointive government officials 2: government marked by specialization of functions under fixed rules and a hierarchy of authority; also: an unwieldy administrative system burdened with excessive complexity and lack of flexibility”

Sounds danged familiar all the way around doesn’t it. We are surrounded by these bureaucracies and none of them like to change the way they do things. After all if they changed somebody who is part of it just might have to go find another job somewhere. Somewhere else where they will have to, OMG! Think. Worse of all by far, if there is change the bureaucracy just might have to change the way they do things or even HORRORS!!! change their paperwork.

You have all probably also noted that a bureaucracy will often cast a blind eye to common sense and punish those who want to do good or who are doing good if they have not filled out the proper paperwork, in triplicate, and gotten it signed, and notarized by all the right officials in the precise order required. Mean while those folks who do nothing but push through paperwork and get it all properly signed and notarized in just the right order by exactly the right officials get what ever they want, whenever they want it and maybe they do good with it and maybe they just spend the money or use up the supplies for themselves. No one really checks. They’ve got the right paper work!

Such is the way of bureaucracy. Bureaucracies also loves centralization. It is so much easier for the bureaucrats to get together for lunch or golf that way. Besides, the more centralized a government gets the easier it is for bureaucracies to grow and envelope ever more of the government until it is strangled into complete submission to the overall bureaucracy.

With me so far. Bet you are agreeing right down the line. Maybe even saying: “Heck yeah! Down with these nasty bureaucracies and the centralization that goes with’em!” Well, I’m with you there.

But I do have a word of warning for you. Let me remind you that I am totally not in favor of all these nitpicking, bossy bureaucracies we have. I’m also dead against an over abundance of centralization.
I must point out, however, that if things aren’t centralized as they are now then “Big Brother” A. K. A. “Uncle Sam” will cease to be. “GOOD RIDDANCE!” you say, and I agree. You do know that there will be a price to pay for that don’t you?

You will no longer be able to say “Somebody should DO something about ____!” (fill in the blank) There won’t be a “somebody” there. YOU will have to do whatever it is that needs to be done about whatever you put in that blank. Worse, YOU will have to take the responsibility for the consequences of whatever action you take.

It’s called independence, by the way. Just thought you’d like to know. It’s something your supposed to get when you grow up and no longer depend on parents. Oh, yeah, it's also what fighting was about back in the War of INDEPENDENCE. Remember that from the history books?

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