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Friday, August 19, 2011

alt op 33 or "Hey! Who the heck is in charge around here?"

Hey! Who the heck is in charge around here!

Rick Perry is off running for President while his second in command is off running for some other office. They are doing this just after they’ve spent piles of cash to get elected to the offices they are in right now. So who’s minding the store while these guy’s are out gallivanting around the country / state asking folks to vote for them? Yeah, I know all I have to do is wade through the Texas Constitution or maybe google it on-line. But I’m just a little put out about this situation right now and just plain don’t feel up to it.

I do feel up to a bit more complaining about a similar situation.

It has become obvious that the President and a whole raft of other federal level “leaders” are answering the siren call of the campaign trail. Some are running for re-election and others are running for a higher office, but the point is they are all already running for an election that is MORE than a year away!!

I mean, really now!

We should spend that much time planning our Forth of July Parade here in Lone Oak! But even if we did, it wouldn’t take that much time away from either our jobs, our families, or the clubs that the folks who do that planning belong to. But these politicians who are running for office will be spending a whole lot of time away from the jobs they were elected to do, and instead of paying attention to bills that need to be vetoed, or passed, or even just spiffied up a little more, they are going to be paying attention to polls, and surveys, and what some big ad company say’s will get them elected. Not to mention the attention they will pay to what their biggest contributors are whispering in their ears.

Next thing you know we are all going to be having all kinds of mud spread across the TV, the newspapers, and the inter net about just about every person running for everything from President to local dog catcher (excuse ME! Animal Control Officer!).

And it’s not even November yet! Sheesh.

Secondly, I’m bent out of shape because of all this cash the various candidates are getting put into their “war chests.” Money that will only be spent on advertising and such. Yes, it will help the economy of the ad agencies but how about the rest of us? These guys are going to be spending billions, Billions on advertising! It wouldn’t be much but it would go a ways toward something really crazy like, oh, say, paying off the National Debt!

Here’s an alternative idea for ya. The government issues a million bucks to each candidate from each party. Even oddballs that say they are the candidates of say, the Party Hearty Party whose main platform is “Party ’till the Cows come Home!” But nobody gets any money until August of the election year. Then they can only spend it or do ANY campaigning from August 31 until election eve. Period. The rest of the year it's nose to the grindstone and get-er-done!

Yeah, I know. Sometimes the mud slinging contests can be down right entertaining but lately they have begun to pale on me. Especially as I realize how much money is being used to smear reputations and tell us how good the other guy is in comparison.

Frankly the mud often gets so thick and gooey it seems to stick to the one throwing it as well as their target.

That just isn’t right.

Makes you wonder if it’s worth voting at all as none of the fools seem able to keep it straight who the heck they are really working for once they get in office.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to get that off my chest.

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