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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Alt Op #27

As I noted last week there are some who have pointed out that these articles I write about my opinions aren’t all that alternative anymore. Well, here’s a hot one for you: Women’s Rights.

I can hear the guy’s and some of the gals groaning way back here on Wednesday as I write this. Yes, I put it to you that we gals still do not have true equality either under the rule of Law or socially. After all, if a young man manages to bed more than one girl in one night out on the town he gets a round of cheers or at least a high five from his buds. The gals in his circle might frown but unless they were his ‘main squeeze’ or one of the girls in questions they’d likely say nothing about it. After all, “boys will be boys!” The social inequality in this is obvious, isn’t it? A gal doing the same is a harlot, a whore (even if all she gets out of it is a hangover) or a slut. No high fives in the locker room for her! Just whispers behind her back, frowns from the gals and leering grins from the guys.

No, I’m not advocating that kind of behavior for either sex. Far from it. I’d rather we were all good little boys and girls who saved ourselves for marriage and only had sex with that one person of the opposite sex and none with anyone if we didn‘t marry.

Talk about your wild fantasy’s.

We humans being what we are, that just ain’t gonna happen folks and we all know it. Some might just naturally go that way. Most, just as naturally, will not. Accept it. Get used to it, cause that’s the way the real world is and not even harsh laws will change it.

Another thing that should be accepted, even noted, is that the two sexes just can not ever really be equal.

Why? Because men don’t bear children, that’s why. If men did have babies, and as they are the majority of those who make our laws, then, may I suggest that safe abortions would be legal, at least for rape, incest, and medical or even economic necessity. There would have been a truly effective and safe birth control pill on the market ages ago (that would limit the need for abortions!) and every company, large or small would have child care available for it’s workers on it’s property and not a darn thing would be said if a parent had to take off work to care for a sick child, go to a teachers conference, or pick a kid up from school.

Yep, you guessed it. I’m pissed about these new law’s limiting the availability of birth control or family planning just because one of the methods used happens to be abortion. No, I am not all that pro-abortion. I have personally never faced the need for one and I don’t think I could go through with one. I would counsel any who asked me about getting one for themselves to consider adoption instead. But, I also know that my personal situation is NOT shared by all. I know that some women face much harder, more terrifying choices than I ever will. I am also quite aware that a lot of those women are the very ones that just can’t afford to pay for all the things that are being added on to the cost of getting a safe abortion. They are also the ones most likely to need them for economic reasons.

Honestly, if you stand back and look at the whole thing logically it looks as if those powerful, rich, MEN, in our government want to make sure there are a lot of poor, underfed, unwanted, uneducated, and perhaps even angry young folks out here. Kids, born to mothers who didn’t want them because they were the product of rape or incest, or because they would make it impossible to feed the rest of the family. Face it. There aren’t enough folks who want to, who can afford to adopt, or who even want more kids! Sad, but true. Besides hasn't anyone noticed that the more there is of something, the less it's valued? This is especially true of things and people, who cause the majority or even just those in power, problems. This should never happen to children. Just because I've never had my own children does not mean that I don't recognize their innate value. They are indeed the hope of the future and should be raised, educated, loved and set free as such. Not fobbed off on a Nanny cause Mom and Dad are too busy, or left out on the streets cause Mom's to poor and uneducated to support them.

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