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Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 alt op # 29: Rule of Law, pundits and rumor mongers

Hey People! What the heck ever happened to the rule of LAW? To “innocent until proven guilty?” You know all that constitutional stuff, those rights we all want to lay claim to when it’s our bow hinnies in a sling?

Guess what folks, for those laws to work they have to cut both ways. They have to work not just for the good friend, neighbor or relative that you know just has to be innocent as the day is long, but also for that good for nothing’ low down creep that just has to be guilty of something!
That is the reason all those statues of Justice wear a blindfold. You can pretty it up and say it’s so she (Justice) can’t see if your rich or poor, upper or lower class, what your race or sex is, so that she judges you only on the facts of that particular case. But frankly folks she wears that blindfold so that the “good folks” of a community also can’t rail road a total creep who also happens to NOT BE GUILTY of the particular crime he/she is accused of. Yeah, he or she may be guilty of something or other but there just isn’t enough to convict them of the particular crime they are accused of. So. Find something else to charge them with that you can prove. Just be careful what wild and convoluted laws you pass to try and hang the dang fool because those laws can also be used against you.

Always remember that! The sword of truth that Justice carries is double edged! It can cut both ways. What the heck am I talking about? Remember how Eliot Ness managed to bring down the crime lords who were making a bundle selling boot leg booze? Not because they were selling booze but because they weren’t reporting it on their taxes! Yeah. They did not go to jail for the other mobsters or innocents they might have killed but because they neglected to mention the cash they made selling booze. This increased the power of the IRS and now we all quake in our boots at the mention of a tax audit.

Just remember that all kinds of wild and odd things can happen that seem to put you on the wrong side of the law. Worse you can realize that something fairly innocent that you’ve done looks bad, maybe even is bad and you try to cover it up. Maybe you try to hide it because it’s embarrassing as heck or because it will place you in a bad light socially. But all you end up doing is digging a hole deeper and deeper until you can’t get out of it. If it relates to a very serious situation like a death or robbery it can get real bad real fast.

Then the gossips or the news stations, if its ’big’ enough, get hold of the story and start publicly asking all kinds of questions. Maybe some of the questions have to do with that particular situation, maybe they don’t. But the press and the gossips don’t care, they are having a field day and the reputation they are ruining is yours.

So what do you do then. Even after you are proven guiltless, there are still the rumors and the titillating questions that have been asked that the trail did not answer because they were not pertinent to that case.
You are innocent but the news stations, news papers and an outraged public just “know” otherwise.

Always remember the law isn’t there to just get rid of bad guys. It’s also there to protect the innocent. Even if the only thing they are innocent of is the particular crime they are on trial for.

Think about that the next time there’s a trial like the one down in Florida, or like with OJ. It doesn’t really matter if the deed was done just as the pundits claim. The pundits and rumor mongers are not the law, that's for the judge or the jury!

Thank God. If those who wove the rumors everyone loves so much, we’d all be in jail eventually.

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