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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Alt Op #30, thoughts inspired by the education funding debate

All this debate lately about funding for education sometimes gets me to thinking about the educational system. I should know a little about it after all I went through 12 years with the DISD and managed to snare two diplomas from what was then East Texas State University. I still can’t spell worth a flip but I can read like a son of a gun! Of course the blame for the reading really falls on my mother. You see, she was for all practical purposes illiterate. However, she felt it was a mothers duty to read to her only child (me) so she did. She would carefully point to each syllable of every word as she struggled to sound it out while I sat all warm, cozy and content in her lap with my eye’s following that finger and my ears listening closely while my mind absorbed everything about this strange relationship between those squiggles on the paper beneath the story pictures and what my mom was sounding out.

Yep. My nearly illiterate mother (she dropped out of third grade I was told, to baby sit her younger brother while everyone else went to work during the depression) actually taught me to read. More she taught me that reading just plain felt good and was fun. True she didn’t read much but my dad did and his reading habit resulted in plenty of reading material being in the house at all times. Plus I often saw him sitting down and reading. The up shot of that is that the DISD in all it’s power was never able to convince me that reading WASN’T fun and I’ve been doing it ever since. They were able to convince me that the so called “classics” were, for the most part boring as all get out and I’ve read only the ones I was required to read in school.

But on to my point. Considering my high school and university degrees I should have been raking in the dough while I was working right? HA! Whenever I’d apply for a job dealing with my education level I was told that I didn’t have enough experience. On the other hand when I applied for jobs that would let me work up to that level I was told I was over educated. Bummer all the way around and that was with just one degree. With two and living here in beautiful Hunt County I was told the same thing. I finely realized that if I wanted to be gainfully employed in this county, perhaps even in Dallas County, what I really should have obtained was either a nursing degree (not possible with my allergy to sick people!) or a welding certificate.

Having neither I’ve worked most of my life at low paying, factory floor type jobs that have just about destroyed my feet, my knees and my self esteem from being constantly underemployed.

With that experience I can only ask: just exactly WHY is it absolutely necessary for young folks to get a higher education if they don’t have a specific goal in mind? And if that goal can be reached with out the all mighty degree why should they go in debt to get that silly piece of paper. None of the ones I have ever did anything but decorate a wall.

I’m just saying, why the emphasis on the paper or the fancy letters you can put behind your name if you can get the skills and knowledge you need to support yourself without them?

In case you are wondering, I'd likely have learned nearly as much about the Earth Sciences on my own just reading for the fun of it. I must admit I'd of rubbed up against much less math or chemistry but then again who knows! I'm a glutton for the stuff lots of others think is 'boreing!'

On a personal note. Good bye WCR. You will be missed. Who’ll keep me straight now?

2011 alt op # 29: Rule of Law, pundits and rumor mongers

Hey People! What the heck ever happened to the rule of LAW? To “innocent until proven guilty?” You know all that constitutional stuff, those rights we all want to lay claim to when it’s our bow hinnies in a sling?

Guess what folks, for those laws to work they have to cut both ways. They have to work not just for the good friend, neighbor or relative that you know just has to be innocent as the day is long, but also for that good for nothing’ low down creep that just has to be guilty of something!
That is the reason all those statues of Justice wear a blindfold. You can pretty it up and say it’s so she (Justice) can’t see if your rich or poor, upper or lower class, what your race or sex is, so that she judges you only on the facts of that particular case. But frankly folks she wears that blindfold so that the “good folks” of a community also can’t rail road a total creep who also happens to NOT BE GUILTY of the particular crime he/she is accused of. Yeah, he or she may be guilty of something or other but there just isn’t enough to convict them of the particular crime they are accused of. So. Find something else to charge them with that you can prove. Just be careful what wild and convoluted laws you pass to try and hang the dang fool because those laws can also be used against you.

Always remember that! The sword of truth that Justice carries is double edged! It can cut both ways. What the heck am I talking about? Remember how Eliot Ness managed to bring down the crime lords who were making a bundle selling boot leg booze? Not because they were selling booze but because they weren’t reporting it on their taxes! Yeah. They did not go to jail for the other mobsters or innocents they might have killed but because they neglected to mention the cash they made selling booze. This increased the power of the IRS and now we all quake in our boots at the mention of a tax audit.

Just remember that all kinds of wild and odd things can happen that seem to put you on the wrong side of the law. Worse you can realize that something fairly innocent that you’ve done looks bad, maybe even is bad and you try to cover it up. Maybe you try to hide it because it’s embarrassing as heck or because it will place you in a bad light socially. But all you end up doing is digging a hole deeper and deeper until you can’t get out of it. If it relates to a very serious situation like a death or robbery it can get real bad real fast.

Then the gossips or the news stations, if its ’big’ enough, get hold of the story and start publicly asking all kinds of questions. Maybe some of the questions have to do with that particular situation, maybe they don’t. But the press and the gossips don’t care, they are having a field day and the reputation they are ruining is yours.

So what do you do then. Even after you are proven guiltless, there are still the rumors and the titillating questions that have been asked that the trail did not answer because they were not pertinent to that case.
You are innocent but the news stations, news papers and an outraged public just “know” otherwise.

Always remember the law isn’t there to just get rid of bad guys. It’s also there to protect the innocent. Even if the only thing they are innocent of is the particular crime they are on trial for.

Think about that the next time there’s a trial like the one down in Florida, or like with OJ. It doesn’t really matter if the deed was done just as the pundits claim. The pundits and rumor mongers are not the law, that's for the judge or the jury!

Thank God. If those who wove the rumors everyone loves so much, we’d all be in jail eventually.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Alt Op #28 The Copper Thief

As all of you likely know by now Lone Oak is presently dealing with a copper thief. At least I haven’t heard yet if the guy’s been caught. I hope, for his own safety, that he has.

Why his safety, you may well wonder. After all the dang fool is a crook who is ripping off folks who can’t really afford to be ripped off. Folks that, frankly, don’t have much, if any thing, more than he does. Folks like the Community Seeds over at the old school house. Seems he destroyed four of the big AC units that were used to keep the building cool enough for classes designed to help local folks get ahead and to run the clothing store. A store where those same folks can find affordable clothing fit to wear to a job interview and to a good job. Not that the loss of those AC units has stopped Community Seeds, it’s just making their work a little less comfortable.

Now, as for the ‘preps’ safety. For one thing I have read some things on Face Book that indicate he just might run into some buck shot at the very least if he attempts to rip off some folks copper. Then there are the small to large dogs that some folks around here have in their yards. Believe me, helping out Peggy in her dog grooming business occasionally has taught me that even small dogs with practically no jaws can still inflect a painful bite that can leave a mark. (Don’t believe me? I’ll show you my thumb.)

Then of course this fool has to deal with the fact that quite often there is electricity running through the copper he is trying to steal. That can give him anything from a painful tickle or nasty jolt all the way to painful burns and even death by electrocution. Yeah, I know, some of you; particularly those he has ripped off already, may feel he deserves nothing less.

This person isn’t out of the woods safety wise even after he has absconded with copper wiring that doesn’t belong to him. Why? Because to sell the stuff for the most cash he has to strip the insulation off of any electrical wiring he has. If you’ve ever tried to do any of your own electrical repair on anything you already know what a tiring mess that can be even with a proper wire stripper. Imagine having perhaps several feet, if not yards of wire to get clean of that insulation. So, a crook I am told, is usually a crook because he is too lazy to work or because he or she is after the big, fast money. The fastest way to get insulation off of copper is to burn it off.

Burning insulation off of copper wire is dangerous in many ways. First off the smoke that comes from the combusting insulation is not something you want to breath. It is one of the reasons fire fighters have to wear those heavy SCBA’s when they fight car fires or go into a burning building. So this criminal can do himself some serious harm if he breaths this smoke. Then the smoke from this burning insulation is rather obvious as it is dark black and easily seen by others. The smell is also a dead giveaway as to what’s going on. That in itself can lead to the fool getting caught. Worse case scenario in this dry weather is that the fire he’s set to clean his ill gotten copper gets away from him. If he’s lucky he gets away but loses his booty as it is confiscated by the police. At worse, the fire he sets can kill him.

So I am left with a simple but confusing question. Why? Why do crooks really do this foolish thing. It seems breaking the law is much more work and involves much more danger than the alternative of getting an education and at least looking for a job or even making a deal with someone to work for food and/or shelter.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Alt Op #27

As I noted last week there are some who have pointed out that these articles I write about my opinions aren’t all that alternative anymore. Well, here’s a hot one for you: Women’s Rights.

I can hear the guy’s and some of the gals groaning way back here on Wednesday as I write this. Yes, I put it to you that we gals still do not have true equality either under the rule of Law or socially. After all, if a young man manages to bed more than one girl in one night out on the town he gets a round of cheers or at least a high five from his buds. The gals in his circle might frown but unless they were his ‘main squeeze’ or one of the girls in questions they’d likely say nothing about it. After all, “boys will be boys!” The social inequality in this is obvious, isn’t it? A gal doing the same is a harlot, a whore (even if all she gets out of it is a hangover) or a slut. No high fives in the locker room for her! Just whispers behind her back, frowns from the gals and leering grins from the guys.

No, I’m not advocating that kind of behavior for either sex. Far from it. I’d rather we were all good little boys and girls who saved ourselves for marriage and only had sex with that one person of the opposite sex and none with anyone if we didn‘t marry.

Talk about your wild fantasy’s.

We humans being what we are, that just ain’t gonna happen folks and we all know it. Some might just naturally go that way. Most, just as naturally, will not. Accept it. Get used to it, cause that’s the way the real world is and not even harsh laws will change it.

Another thing that should be accepted, even noted, is that the two sexes just can not ever really be equal.

Why? Because men don’t bear children, that’s why. If men did have babies, and as they are the majority of those who make our laws, then, may I suggest that safe abortions would be legal, at least for rape, incest, and medical or even economic necessity. There would have been a truly effective and safe birth control pill on the market ages ago (that would limit the need for abortions!) and every company, large or small would have child care available for it’s workers on it’s property and not a darn thing would be said if a parent had to take off work to care for a sick child, go to a teachers conference, or pick a kid up from school.

Yep, you guessed it. I’m pissed about these new law’s limiting the availability of birth control or family planning just because one of the methods used happens to be abortion. No, I am not all that pro-abortion. I have personally never faced the need for one and I don’t think I could go through with one. I would counsel any who asked me about getting one for themselves to consider adoption instead. But, I also know that my personal situation is NOT shared by all. I know that some women face much harder, more terrifying choices than I ever will. I am also quite aware that a lot of those women are the very ones that just can’t afford to pay for all the things that are being added on to the cost of getting a safe abortion. They are also the ones most likely to need them for economic reasons.

Honestly, if you stand back and look at the whole thing logically it looks as if those powerful, rich, MEN, in our government want to make sure there are a lot of poor, underfed, unwanted, uneducated, and perhaps even angry young folks out here. Kids, born to mothers who didn’t want them because they were the product of rape or incest, or because they would make it impossible to feed the rest of the family. Face it. There aren’t enough folks who want to, who can afford to adopt, or who even want more kids! Sad, but true. Besides hasn't anyone noticed that the more there is of something, the less it's valued? This is especially true of things and people, who cause the majority or even just those in power, problems. This should never happen to children. Just because I've never had my own children does not mean that I don't recognize their innate value. They are indeed the hope of the future and should be raised, educated, loved and set free as such. Not fobbed off on a Nanny cause Mom and Dad are too busy, or left out on the streets cause Mom's to poor and uneducated to support them.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Socially abusive words and book banning, Alt op 26

Oh boy. Peggy mentioned something sure to get my “alternative” up. Specifically, censoring books read in school.

That just makes me crazy, folks. She was talking about the problem that comes up every few years where somebody gets bent out of shape because their precious little one has to read Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. They get upset because the kid has to read about folks who blatantly and casually used the dreaded ‘N’ word. A word I myself despise and refuse to use because of it’s obvious racism and callous disregard for a group of people who just happen to have more pigment in their skin than I do.

So why am I NOT on the side of those wanting these books with that horrid word banned? Because, my friends, I want it remembered and remembered well exactly WHY that word is so detestable. Those stories Twain wrote were written in an age when that word really was bandied about as unflinchingly as we today say “Hey, y’all!” It was to the people of that time, that place, and that situation the word used to indicate a specific group of people. What those two books also make clear is that in that time, place and situation that specific group of people were not just second class citizens but actually considered by some to be little more than animals. The contrast between what is so accurately portrayed in those books and what exists today is a lesson we all need to learn. Along with the eye opening realization that we still have so freaking far to go!

Yes, seeing that word and any other racial epithet in print is shocking. I’m not even sure I could read those two books out loud without stumbling and a blush or two. The blush would be because I remember my grandparents and parents using that very word, without a seconds thought or hesitation, just as the characters in the book use it.

Other racial epithets, applied to various other races, are equally insulting and socially wrong in my opinion so I will not mention them here, except to point out a simple fact.

If I, as a writer, chose to write something set in the World War Two American South I would have to use not only the N word but the K word, the S word and the J word. Why? Because in that time and that place during that war those words were used. The N word was a hold over from our past and was used to keep the chains of slavery well oiled. The K, S and J words were epithets used against our enemies of the time. Just as today every one thinks they know who you refer to when you say (please excuse the terms) rag head, or camel jockey. I put it to you my friends that these words are also offensive and belittle those who use them more than they belittle those they are hurled against.

However! Those two are used in this time and age. If I wrote a book about today it might well contain a character who used those last two epithets vehemently and with scorn, but avoided the N word.

Should such a book be banned in some future school just because a child of that ethnic group might read it?

No, it should not! And not just because I wrote it! But for the same reasons we should never even consider banning such books as those written by Mark Twain (who was a way better writer than I can ever be!) or any other that accurately presents a picture of our past. Those books can teach us where we have been, the mistakes we have made and show us the road we still need to travel. A road that will only end when we all finely realize there is only one race on this tired old planet. At least it's only one race until we discover that the whales and dolphins are indeed as intelligent as we. (They may be smarter, I think. They aren't polluting us all to death!)

We call that one race “Human,” and it is as beutifully varied in it's skin tones as it is in it's religions and ethnicities. The more of us who see that variaty as a blessing the better off the world will be.