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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Alt Op 17

Decided I better get this thing written and sent into the Lone Oak Newsletter before either of us were blown away. This is Tuesday and the weather folks say that today this end of Hunt county is in an area where there is a good possibility of severe thunderstorms and twisters. Only good thing about that is we might get more rain. We still need rain.
I’m about ready to let the folks who want these kittens come and get them! The little beggars are running around like nut cases trying to climb the walls . . . Literally! Climb the walls. Not kidding here. Ever seen a kitten trying to climb a wall? To bad I don’t have a camera maybe I could win money from that TV show or at least get a t-shirt.
As for my opinions this week. Where to start? The economy?
The economy is supposed to be going up. HAH! The only thing I see going up is the price of gas which means I can’t go hardly anywhere. I might have to find a weight watchers meeting closer to home if this keeps up. Not to mention cut back even further on my trips into the Greenville Wally World. Of course the one in Quinlan is a few miles closer according to the Google maps thingy. Why do I even bother going there? Simple there are things I just can not get here in Lone Oak. Don’t get me wrong now. If I could get those things here in Lone Oak I might still go into the big G just to get the heck out of Lone Oak occasionally. Providing I had the extra gas to do so.
By the way if you are one of those “make lemon aide out of life’s lemons” kind of folks you might be able to turn this problem with gas prices into a business. Probably not a big one but one that might feed you. Cause believe me, while gas prices might go down again they will never go as low as they were a couple of years ago, or even last year. If they do they will not stay there long.
What kind of lemon aide could someone with the right skills make out of this gas problem? Especially here in Lone Oak?
The main reason I’d be going into Wally World or to the Greenville Farmers Market would be for fresh fruit or Veggies, folks! Y’all do realize that there is almost no place in this town where you can go to get a sack of potatoes, a head of lettuce, some ‘matters and onions, apples, oranges, pears, or other such stuff. Yeah you can get a few of those, in small quantity at the LOG, thank goodness (and get well soon Dorothy!). But they don’t and can’t carry a lot of those things at any one time. So there’s a way to make some money right there. Or at least set up a trading situation.
A Farmers Market would be great here in Lone Oak, I think.
Yeah, I know, I know. It’s been tried. But that’s what I mean about someone with the right skills. The skill would be to get the local gardeners to back the thing! Maybe agree to trade the fruit or veggies they have for fruit and veggies they don’t have, or to grow mostly one thing while someone else grows mostly another. Heck, I bet that if someone had a green house that could grow some things like maters and peppers all year they could sure nuff sell them round here. They could at least sell salsa.
But the skill I mentioned above is the most important part of the idea. Getting folks together to back the thing. Trouble is that just isn’t my skill. I know what my skill is. I’m the wild idea person. I come up with them. Just wish I could find somebody who could pull the crazy things off.

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