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Monday, April 18, 2011

Alt. Op. #14, almost forgot this one!

My goodness but it’s been windy out there! Glad to see that most folks are being smart and not doing any burning on the day’s that the winds been blowing hard enough to straighten out a stainless steel pretzel, or turn an eighteen wheeler into one. Believe me, fire and high winds DO NOT mix!
Can any of you believe it’s only a couple of weeks or so untill Easter. We’ll be celebrating July fourth before we know it! Mean while, however, all you kids out there better be good cause Easter Sunday the Lone Oak Fire Department will be showing the Easter Bunny around Lone Oak. Then at one in the afternoon he will host the annual Easter Egg Hunt. So be good and help your folks get the yard ready for the Easter Eggs that’ll be hidden around your place.
I really need to get some of these plants I’ve bought into the ground. Trouble is I need to move some dirt to where I want to plant them and my joints just aren’t cooperating. Maybe if all these fronts would just pause for a while in their whirlwind of change the old bones would stop aching long enough for me to get something done.
As for opinions this week, well, I am a might put out with those fools up in D.C. I heard on the news that if they don’t come to an agreement on the budget the government could shut down. No biggy, right. Some times I think we’d do better without it. But then if the government does shut down government workers won’t get paid so the national parks will shut down as well as various other government offices. Some of those government worker who wont get paid would be soldiers! The guy’s and gal’s out there risking life and limb to keep us free. But guess who still gets paid. Yep, the big boys in D.C. who can’t put a budget together because they are too busy insisting that it has to be all one party’s way or the other. Sometimes I just want to yell at them, “DUDES!! Democracy is all about compromise! So compromise already!” Of course I really don’t want them to compromise by cutting my SSD back. Just as others don’t want their favorite things cut. Something has got to give.
Honestly folks. We are all looking at some hard choices. I may have to learn how to kill chickens and other such critters if I want to eat some thing other than a vegetarian diet. I’d really rather buy meat than kill my own. I tend to make pets all too easily. However, with the way the economy is going I may just have to get over that.
Carrots and cabbages now, them I can slaughter at will. As well a lot of other veggies and fruits. Providing of course I can first get them to grow.
Yeah, I know. A vegetarian diet is healthier for you and it isn’t as hard on the planet either. It takes a lot more to raise a pound of beef or even chicken than it does to raise a pound of, say, potatoes. But on the other hand those spuds taste a whole lot better when they are cuddled up beside a nice crispy chicken leg quarter or even a steak. Um, Um, Ummm!
Oh, I just joined Weight Watchers, so I might actually start getting my poundage under control. Talk about your hard choices though. Do I eat this cookie dough that is “OMG!” number of points on the WW scale or do I eat the apple with peanut butter where only the peanut butter has any points and I get two whole table spoons of peanut butter for just five points? Especially when I only have six points left for the day. Fortunately, I love peanut butter and apple so the choice isn’t quite that hard. But that chocolate chip cookie dough . . . Didn’t I just hear it calling my name from the freezer?

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