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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Worldwide Revolutions, Or Alt Op #9

Is it just me or is revolution really popping up all over the world? The mid-east is blazing with it. Literally in some cases. It may even be showing up in some other repressive places. These United States are not immune either it seems. Particularly if you look at the Tea Party and some of what it talks about.
Just look at the reactions of the unions up north, and the teachers and parents in Dallas and other big cities to some of the budget cuts. I’m betting Lone Oak is going to take a hit in the education area too.

I guess we all are just going to have to learn how to do as much, or more with less. Heck, I’m actually considering teaching my billy goat or a couple of nannies to pull a small cart. Just as far as the DG or the LOG. If you live here you know where of I speak. I’d rather have one of those cool big tricycles with an electric motor but that’s a bit on the expensive side.

I’d also love to have some solar panels on my roof and a wind turbine in my back yard. Rain gutters, rain barrels and a drip irrigation system would round out my wish list with just about every square inch of the yard near my house taken up with edible landscaping. Chickens would be nice too, for meat, eggs, and fertilizer as well as the good ol’ chicken tractor.

Ah, such are my dreams made of. If anyone knows how I can come up with any of that stuff without shelling out a bundle of cash I don’t have, let me know. As long as it’s legal.

I have had some offers for my baby billy goats that would bring in enough to buy a little more feed. This one fella said he was interested in one, but I’ve got one more who has to go. Goats have no shame and I really don’t want the boys around when mom, aunty, and sis go into heat. If you want one let me know through this newsletter, or I am in the phone book. I’m on Face Book to, and I have two blogs where you can leave a comment. I know I misspelled rural in the following title but if you don‘t spell it the same way you‘ll never get there. It is: In this new one I just reprint new and old Alternative Opinion pieces. (Of course you already know that as you are reading this as a blog and not as a newsletter article!) In the old one I’ve posted some of the stuff I’ve written in the free writing classes I’m taking at TAMU-C. Most of you probably know that is at

As for the cuts that are likely to be made everywhere but at the top, don’t y’all sometimes just wish you could plunk some of those folks making these decisions down here, where we live on next to nothing, and tell them they have to make it here for at least a year before they could even think of going home to the hundred dollar hair cuts and thousand dollar suits. Not only that but they have to obey the same rules we do and no caviar care packages from home. Sort of like that TV show “Undercover Boss,” only they have to stick it out for way more than a week and live on what they make and nothing else.

Maybe that would give them some real empathy. Then again, if something like that did happen, how long would that empathy last? Likely until they saw a drop in their own bottom line. Yep, having lived poor for a while, that’d likely scare them silly. Which might cause them to do things that’d cause us poor folk even more trouble. Oh, well, it sure feels good to think of them trying to survive what we do and falling on their faces in the attempt. I know they aren’t really bad folks at heart, but dang! They have no clue!

Goat update! Shortly after this went in to the newsletter the fellow who'd shown an interest in one of my baby boys decided he could use them both. So, as of now the only male goat I have is the future father of more goats. The plan is for all of those kids, male and female to go to the sale barn where they will hopefully earn enough for me to buy pappa and the momma's feed for a couple of months. Such is life down on the farm.

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