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Friday, January 14, 2011

Second issue

Here we are. This is the second issue of this newsletter for 2011. Oh, by the way, is it this year or next that the world is supposed to end? Doesn’t matter. Like a lot of other things, I’ll believe it when I see it. Things like UFO’s and honest politicians in DC.

Speaking of politicians and things political, a friend and sometimes contributor to this publication has suggested that we might get more folks to write in and express their own opinions if I start expressing a far leftward leaning.

I could do that I think. Except, when it comes to things political I’m not real sure which is “left” and which is “right.” I do know that neither of them seem right to me when they get very far out there. When they start doing that it seems they are both trying; to use an old, and hackneyed term, “throw the baby out with the bathwater.” It always seems that their solutions to what they see as a problem usually come with as many unintended side effects as those meds you see advertised on TV. You know the ones I mean. They say they will help lower this or that or increase this other thing but, oh yeah, it just may kill you too.

That’s why I like to think I’m more of a middle of the road kind of gal. You know, take a little of this from over here on the left, some of that from, maybe, just a little far over on the right and hopefully a nice big dollop of that most uncommon of things, common sense. Of course if it makes more sense we could take just a little from the right and reach a little ways further over into the left.

Now if I could just figure out which way is which. Yeah, I know. Way over on one side folks say let any one into the country who wants to come, while the opposite view is to not let anyone in at all, unless of course, they are just like us. (That’s one I’ve never figured out. Just which “us” are they thinking of? Northern European, I’m guessing, but are they thinking English, Irish, Scottish, Danish, Norwegian, what?)

Yeah, I know, I’m laying it on a little thick here. But really now. Haven’t we had enough of this rabble rousing, blood in your eye’s, “There will be NO COMPRIMISE!” political attitudes and talk. Look what happened out in Arizona at that shopping mall. People dead. Americans dead. One of them a young girl who was born on 9/11. Hasn’t all this “my way or the highway” gone a little too far?

Yes, there are things worth fighting and dying for. Things like Freedom of speech so that we can verbally take potshots at the fools in DC, but never, ever, ever with bullets, arrows or anything of that sort. Freedom of religion is another thing worth fighting for so that we can go to which ever church, temple, or whatever we feel the need to attend without someone taking pot shots at us or telling us we are un-American. The only thing we have to remember with that freedom is that it applies equally to that fool over there who refuses to believe what our particular preacher has to say and insists on going to that heathen church across the street even though we are sure it will lead them straight to that place down below. It even applies to the one who thinks you are an idiot for believing in anything!

I could go on with this list of things worth fighting and dying for but I think you’ve gotten the idea. Anything else, and well, the best thing to do is just shrug and walk away. Let them find the hot place in their own hand basket, and hope that they aren’t a nut case that will go get a gun and try to take you with them.

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