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Friday, August 19, 2011

alt op 33 or "Hey! Who the heck is in charge around here?"

Hey! Who the heck is in charge around here!

Rick Perry is off running for President while his second in command is off running for some other office. They are doing this just after they’ve spent piles of cash to get elected to the offices they are in right now. So who’s minding the store while these guy’s are out gallivanting around the country / state asking folks to vote for them? Yeah, I know all I have to do is wade through the Texas Constitution or maybe google it on-line. But I’m just a little put out about this situation right now and just plain don’t feel up to it.

I do feel up to a bit more complaining about a similar situation.

It has become obvious that the President and a whole raft of other federal level “leaders” are answering the siren call of the campaign trail. Some are running for re-election and others are running for a higher office, but the point is they are all already running for an election that is MORE than a year away!!

I mean, really now!

We should spend that much time planning our Forth of July Parade here in Lone Oak! But even if we did, it wouldn’t take that much time away from either our jobs, our families, or the clubs that the folks who do that planning belong to. But these politicians who are running for office will be spending a whole lot of time away from the jobs they were elected to do, and instead of paying attention to bills that need to be vetoed, or passed, or even just spiffied up a little more, they are going to be paying attention to polls, and surveys, and what some big ad company say’s will get them elected. Not to mention the attention they will pay to what their biggest contributors are whispering in their ears.

Next thing you know we are all going to be having all kinds of mud spread across the TV, the newspapers, and the inter net about just about every person running for everything from President to local dog catcher (excuse ME! Animal Control Officer!).

And it’s not even November yet! Sheesh.

Secondly, I’m bent out of shape because of all this cash the various candidates are getting put into their “war chests.” Money that will only be spent on advertising and such. Yes, it will help the economy of the ad agencies but how about the rest of us? These guys are going to be spending billions, Billions on advertising! It wouldn’t be much but it would go a ways toward something really crazy like, oh, say, paying off the National Debt!

Here’s an alternative idea for ya. The government issues a million bucks to each candidate from each party. Even oddballs that say they are the candidates of say, the Party Hearty Party whose main platform is “Party ’till the Cows come Home!” But nobody gets any money until August of the election year. Then they can only spend it or do ANY campaigning from August 31 until election eve. Period. The rest of the year it's nose to the grindstone and get-er-done!

Yeah, I know. Sometimes the mud slinging contests can be down right entertaining but lately they have begun to pale on me. Especially as I realize how much money is being used to smear reputations and tell us how good the other guy is in comparison.

Frankly the mud often gets so thick and gooey it seems to stick to the one throwing it as well as their target.

That just isn’t right.

Makes you wonder if it’s worth voting at all as none of the fools seem able to keep it straight who the heck they are really working for once they get in office.

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to get that off my chest.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Alt Op # 32 : Questions about the economy.

Well, folks, I honestly have no clue what to have an alternative opinion about right now.

I’ve been ranting for ages that the economy, as it is, is just plain unsustainable. Unfortunately, with the stock market still going down (it is the night of 8/10/11 as I write this) it’s starting to look like I was right. Darn it. This is some scary stuff folks and I’d really rather be dead wrong because it won’t take much to tip the whole shebang in to total chaos.

Honestly, I have some questions for the big gun on economics, anyway. Simple questions about stuff I think helped get us into this mess. Questions like, “Why does the bottom line have to always get bigger? What’s wrong with it getting big enough to keep the ball rolling and then just staying at that size? In fact, as long as the cost of living stays the same, why do paychecks have to get bigger?” Then there is, “What ever happened to that law that kept a big business from ‘cornering the market’ as they used to say? You know, the one that busted up Ma Bell into the mini-bells.” The very law that might have kept certain businesses from becoming "to big to fail!" Oh, and then there’s my favorite, “Why in the world does a product have to become ‘NEW AND IMPROVED!!’ every year or so? Even if all you did was add a new fragrance or remove one for that matter?” Not real sure that last one has to do with economics.

Heck, I even wonder why stuff has to be so freaking centralized. I mean, I could see it back when you had iron ore and coal all together in one state, more or less but that’s not the case now with most modern industries. Why haul the raw material to a central location for processing then haul it away to somewhere else. Why not have a recycling plants in most big cities where they could recycle their trash flow right there instead of having to either bury it or haul it somewhere else? Then they could have factories there, small ones, that could build the stuff to supply that city. You know keep it local. (Yeah, I know! I’m skipping over some details and the devil is in those details. Especially that pesky law of thermodynamics that talks about entropy.) That goes for energy too. Especially, renewable energy like with solar and wind. Why does there have to be a big plant way far away, when a small turbine and solar array can power at least one or two houses close to it? After all electricity does not travel well.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. The old NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) thing. Yeah, I can see the problem there. I darn sure wouldn’t want a nuclear plant in my back yard. Or a fracking gas well either. [Why, yes. I did watch Battle Star Galactica back when! ;) ] Unless it was using solar and wind power to turn rain or dirty water table water into hydrogen and oxygen. That I think I could live with. Heck, wish I had the bucks to build that in my back yard and then buy a honking big fuel cell to power my house and maybe a couple of my neighbors houses as well!

Then there’s the food problem. Some folks just have no clue where food really come from. I suspect they will be learning fairly soon or going hungry.

I don’t know who said it but I just recently I read a saying I’d like to pass on to you. I hope I can remember it right. “For all Mans wonders and marvels his very existence rests on about 6 inches of fertile top soil and the fact that it rains.”

Now that’s scary. Especially when it hasn’t rained in so long.

Alt Op #31 Retirement?

There has been a big flap lately about the government ‘forcing’ people to keep working until they are older instead of letting them retire at 60 or 65. Got me to wondering.

Look how long we live now (baring the killer problems that can arise from obesity, tobacco, over indulgence in alcohol and drugs and the odd car wreck or drive by shooting) as opposed to way back when ever this age was selected for retirement. Way back then when the dinosaurs ruled the earth you were really old when you hit 60. You were maybe five to ten years max away from falling down dead from old age.

Now, 60 is the new 50! Or so they tell me, 40 is the new 30! By and large this is true as folks are generally healthier and more active at the advanced age of 60 or 65 than they were when the retirement age was set.

Retirement, according to Wikipedia, “is the point where a person stops employment completely.” Who really does that now? I’ll not go into the “who can afford to do that now!?” question. Even folks who can afford to just stop working completely usually find something else to do now days simply because they are not only still physically able to work but because they simply get bored stiff sitting at home and after a while even the ol’ fishin’ hole or the garden can loose it’s appeal especially on a constant basis. Personally, I’ve even gotten bored reading a few times. Might be because I’ve been having to re-read books because of not having enough extra to buy new ones but let’s not get into that. It is what the library’s for anyway.

The point I keep meandering away from is this: if you actually like your job, are good at it, and in good enough health to keep doing it, why the heck should you have to retire? Yeah, yeah, I know. To make way for the up and coming next generation with their new ideas and willingness to change. Ha!

My opinion is the main reason most employers want to dump older employee’s, and sometimes find reasons other than retirement to do so, is because they tend to make more money than the younger, fresh hires, and are also more likely to actually use the medical insurance the company may be providing. Indeed, it may only be the older employees, working under an old contract, that even have medical insurance in this day and age.
Frankly it may be time for us old farts, umm, I mean retired persons, to do something wild and wickedly wonderful. Even those of us who are disabled in one way or another. Maybe we should, as 60 is the new 50, start our own small businesses. What have we got to loose?

Yeah, I know. Our shirts, our homes, our IRA or 401k, maybe even our social security benefits or disability pay. Thing is folks, I’m not all that sure we’ll be getting those nice little (emphasis on that word ‘little’) government pay checks that much longer anyway. And with the way the economy itself seems to be headed, along with the price of energy, we may be loosing our shirts, homes and retirement plans anyway.

Why do I say start up small businesses? Because I really don’t believe many of the local and bigger businesses will hire those of us who are or are near retirement for much more than minimum wage. Of course minimum wage is better than no wage. However, I’m sure that most folks who’ve lived long enough to retire also have all kinds of ideas on how to do a number of things better, and they still have the energy to carry it off.

Having your own business has got to be better and more fun than being a greater at one of the big box retailers anyway. Doesn't it?