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Monday, February 14, 2011

Sixth article of the year.

It is Thursday as I write this, and I can tell you for sure that I am more than eager for this cold stuff to go away. Here’s an opinion I’m sure a lot of my fellow Texans agree with. The only place there should EVER be any ice is in my freezer, my tea, my cola, or my Margarita. A virgin Margarita, but still a Margarita.

I mentioned the day above because yesterday, or maybe the day before as I neglected to pick up my mail on Tuesday, I received one of those envelopes from my bank. You all know the ones I mean I'm sure. The scary ones that are so thin that it's obvious there is only one sheet of paper in it. Maybe even just one little slip of paper that happens to be just the right size to fit in an envelope.

We all know what those usually mean, don't we? It usually means some body, some where, screwed up their arithmetic, and we are in deep kha-kha. We also know who's fault that usually is too. Even if we are absolutely sure it wasn't us who messed up, we know who will be blamed and who will have to pay.
Needless to say, there was a big fist full of mail in my mail box along with this scary envelope from the bank. So being a red blooded American I did what anyone else would do. I put off opening that possibly pocket book breaking envelope until I'd finished with all the rest. Then, I girded my loins and ripped the sucker open.

Seconds later I was blinking in confusion. The bank wanted me to come in, and personally pay on my loan? What was going on here? They'd been happy, until now, to pull the payment straight out of my checking account. I've gotten used to just setting the monthly payment aside in my check book along with all the other bills that come out automatically. I do this right after I enter my monthly disability check from Uncle Sugar so that I'm sure that money will be there when my creditors start siphoning off my money.

I puzzled over the banks missive a bit longer and finely read the words "Maturity Payment Due" and then a little further down the words “Final payment must be submitted . . ..” Huh?! What wuzzat?! Did that really say "FINAL PAYMENT!!!" I reread it. Yep. That's what it said. It said that, alright.

Wow. Final payment.

That means I'll have a nice little chunk of money (emphasis on little here so don't come asking to borrow any!) next month that I can do with as I please! Not only that but I'll have it every month after that too! Oh my! Oh MY! What to do with this windfall?

First thought: "new" truck! Yep, now I could; if I could find one cheep enough, get myself a truck with an automatic transmission and fewer problems. Second thought: Or I could get DSL! Then I wouldn't have to hassle with dial up and could maybe even get Netflix, and TV over the internet! Both of those are a monthly cost but, if I weren't paying out on a new vehicle or a loan I could swing it! Third thought: sigh. I, or rather the critters on my land; my goats, and some horses I don't own, need hay badly.


Well, that's it then. Next month I'll be spending what would have gone to the bank to pay on my loan for at least two round bails of hay. One for my friends horses that stay up close to the house in the barn, and one for the poor critters out in the pasture who have apparently been abandoned by their owner. Hey, maybe the month after that I can get some electric fencing and start moving my goats around to clean out the brush.

But after that; DSL and NetFlix, or a newer truck? Or a once a month spending spree for property upgrades. Maybe a pair of new shoes? Oh well, I'm sure something will turn up to gobble that money. Uncle Surgar if no one else.

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